About Us


Church on the corner sprang from multiple examples of community outreach and faith-based services. Both of its leaders drew from their experiences with homelessness, poverty, addiction and brokenness. 

Ms. Lori Golden survived tumultuous relationships as a single mother as well as addiction on the mean streets of Detroit. A life changing encounter with Christ, including a near death experience helped Lori channel those experiences into a life of community service, culminating in 2014 with an outreach called Gloves of Love Detroit. Lori would enlist other like-minded individuals or even go out on her own, sometimes in blistering cold weather to deliver hats, gloves and food to homeless and underprivileged people.


Paul Collins affectionately known as "Goodson" or “Og”. Had a similar story to Lori, with a slight twist. Outside of having a father who was in his life sporadically and navigating life as a young black male in 1980’s Detroit, he had a brief stint as a crack dealer in his early teens that ended in his first and last experience with the jail system. When he was released he didn’t know what direction to take but he knew crime couldn’t be the answer. Not too long after his release, years of prayers were answered and his life changed for the better due to the grace of God, he became a born-again Christian.


Fate would have it that they both met and served at the same ministry hoping to impact more people. That ministry had a sprawling outreach initiative that would lay the groundwork of what is now “Church on the corner.”  The ministry was disbanded which sent them separate ways with a heart still geared towards outreach. Lori continued with Gloves of Love and Paul went on to serve at a local church. In 2019 they later reconnected and decided to launch out in the warmer months as well as the cold ones. Initially they would just pull up in various places and literally have “Church” outside including communion. At the onset it didn't have a name. I believe Ms. Lori coined the phrase " Church on the corner " and we ran with it. Now we bring the love of The Lord where others won't go. Feeding, clothing and encouraging people along the way.